Friday, December 17, 2010

I spy tulees in downtown Seattle "Holiday Boutique"

What an amazing experience to be in downtown Seattle's Pioneer Square shopping district, where "buzz" of the urban dwellers drown the city traffic. Yes, still lots of buses, sirens, a weirdo or two shouting across Post Alley adjacent to the store, and ooh-ooh, the parking enforcement officers. If you're "nice" to them, they are nice back! "Nice" how that principle works.

The eclectic personalities of passers by, shoppers, lookie loos, and the occasional, "Oh, I thought you are an actual 'Deli'; offered an adventure-filled afternoon on the first day of the tulees Seattle Holiday Boutique.

Look for the tulees A-Symmetrical Top in Cherry in the photos and of course the popular Military Parachute skirts. The bright red really "popped" and caught the attention of many people passing by on Yesler Way. Saw a few funny crinkles on their foreheads. They are likely wondering about the "parachute" fabric and unique design elements. Perhaps in disbelief that there is now a retailer inside that mostly vacant space for the better half of December since the retailer made a wise business decision to move where his customers flocked to. His pop shop turned retail store front on First Avenue was really taking off so he moved all this merch'. Max is DELI’s owner and tulees' gracious host Thursday through Saturday "tulees Pop Shop" this week. Check out their promo vid.

Some people know about trunk shows. Fashion industry types also have a "pop shop" where they "repurpose" retail space to showcase their newest stuff. In many parts of the world, they just call it a "market". Whatever you wanna call's an opportunity to see, feel, and try-on the merchandise for a short time window. “A one-day only event creates sense of urgency,” according to fashion industry maven, Syndey Chavez.

The biggest advantage for tulees is that it gives our customers a unique opportunity to engage in dialog about what eco-fashion really means from an end-users standpoint. Most consumers don't really pay that much attention to "how" their shirts and skirts are made, or what environmental impact that process has on their planet. Eco-fashion means more than just a marketing gimmick to the tulees team of Katie Senff and Nathan Ward. It's really become a way of life on tulees women's designer apparel.

In speaking with Nathan for a bit as he visited the tulees Seattle Pop Shop/Trunk Show, he says that even the retailers themselves don't really know what fabric those cases of shirts are made of after they accept a delivery from the FedEx peeps. Is it really organic cotton or has the marketing person, manufacturer's representatives, middle person, sales person, agent, other middle person, other sales agent person; done a really good job convincing the buyers to pay more for the same shirt as what's in the other box.

It's amazing how much one can learn in as little as four months of blogging and micro-blogging (Facebooking and Tweeting) about eco-fashion, and tulees vertically integrated business approach. Now that the reality of becoming a part of the supply chain has hit this marketing maven, my eyes are really wide open.

Check out how the tulees repurposed cherry fabric stands out even way in on the other side of the street! Wow! Excited to meet all the downtown Seattle community in the coming weeks, and all of you who have waited until the last two weeks before the big day in December. Come on by! Try something on inside the "meat locker". You'll find out soon enough...

Oh! The art, right. There's art in the space. Max's artist friends are also "repurposing" the venue to showcase their artwork on the walls, ceiling and well counters of the place. There are two skateboards that an artist painted on, and they are on display as well.

You may be seeing more tulees blog posts about this space in the near future! They also host lovely art gallery soirées to show off the art to 200 or so guests, and perhaps extend the invitation.

1 comment:

  1. hi everyone
    check out the fabrics at,
    they have the cutest, cheapest and best quality fabrics
    come check them out!
